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Debt Capital Markets Law Firms and Lawyers

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Practice Areas - Debt Capital Markets Law Firms and Lawyers

Deal Date: 10-04-2015 Practice Area: Debt Capital Markets
Deal Title: Noor Bank Arranged Islamic Finance Facilties for Ajman Bank Industry: Banks
Dentons advised Ajman Bank on USD155 million Islamic financing facilities made available by a syndicate of banks. The facilities comprise of a dual commodity murabaha and wakala arrangement with a two year lifespan. Noor Bank acted as the arranger and bookrunner for the deal, and along with Emirates Islamic Bank, First Gulf Bank, United Arab Bank and Warba Bank which participated in the facilities. The Dentons team was led by Qasim Aslam working with associates Ahmed Choudhry and Atif Choudhary.
Financial Center: Dubai Value: 100.01-500.00
Advised Party: Issuer Law Firm
Issuer Jurisdiction UAE Listing Jurisdiction UAE
Classification: Islamic Finance Islamic Finance Bank Loans Murabaha Facility
Lawyer Qasim Aslam