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Practice Areas - Real Estate Law Firms and Lawyers

Deal Date: 28-04-2017 Practice Area: Real Estate
Deal Title: Tobin Properties Development Project in Nacka Birka, Stockholm Industry: Real Estate Investment & Services
Setterwalls assisted Tobin Properties in connection with a property development project in Nacka Birka, Stockholm. Tobin entered into agreements in order to acquire thirty cohesive residential areas comprising approximately 35,000 square meters of land, in order to, together with the municipality of Nacka, develop a new city district and through a detailed plan change enable new production of approx. 600-700 residential units.
Financial Center: Stockholm Value: 0.00-0.00
Advised Party: Developer Law Firm
Development Jurisdiction Sweden Developer Jurisdiction Sweden
Classification: Real Estate Development Mixed-Use
Lawyer Malin Lovenborg