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Debt Capital Markets Law Firms and Lawyers

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Practice Areas - Debt Capital Markets Law Firms and Lawyers

Deal Date: 24-04-2015 Practice Area: Debt Capital Markets
Deal Title: D. Carnegie and Co Issuance of Unsecured Bonds due 2018 Industry: Financial Services
D. Carnegie and Co AB (publ) (First North, Nasdaq Stockholm) issued unsecured bonds within the framework amount of MSEK 1,000 with a tenor of three years. The bonds were listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. Vinge acted as legal adviser to D. Carnegie and Co. The Vinge team included Jesper Schonbeck, Marie Brommesson, Rikard Lindahl and Amanda Granqvist.
Financial Center: Stockholm Value: 0.00-100.00
Advised Party: Issuer Law Firm
Issuer Jurisdiction Sweden Listing Jurisdiction Sweden
Classification: Corporate Bonds Senior Debt
Lawyer Jesper Schonbeck