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Debt Capital Markets Law Firms and Lawyers

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Practice Areas - Debt Capital Markets Law Firms and Lawyers

Deal Date: 11-04-2016 Practice Area: Debt Capital Markets
Deal Title: Republic of Italy 9-Year Inflation-Linked BTP Issuance Industry: Public Sector
White and Case LLP advised Banca IMI and UniCredit, as dealers, and Banca Akros and Banca Sella Holding as co-dealers, on the issuance by the Republic of Italy of approximately EUR8 billion nine-year BTP Italia bonds linked to Italian inflation. The offering was carried out over two separate periods. The first was targeted at retail investors and the second focused on institutional investors.
Financial Center: Milan Value: 5000.01-10000.00
Advised Party: Lead Manager Law Firm
Issuer Italy Listing Italy
Classification: Retail Bonds Listed Retail Bonds
Sovereign and Public Sector Bonds Sovereign Bonds
Lawyer Paola Leocani